Nine persons have been arrested from different parts of Kolkata for allegedly betting on an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket match, police said on Friday. Pink-Ball Test: Four Arrested For Betting in Kolkata During India-Bangladesh D/N Test The troika - Kundan Singh, 22, Mukesh Mali, 32, and Sanjoy Singh, 42, - were grilled and following their. Possessing 4,5 million inhabitants after the previous count, Kolkata is deemed a big town. It is found in the West Bengal State (India). Kolkata doesn't have a casino but there is no reason to worry.
The nine accused persons will be produced before a city court during the day. (File Photo/ICC)Nine persons have been arrested from different parts of Kolkata for allegedly betting on an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket match, police said on Friday.
Acting on a tip-off, sleuths of the Kolkata Police's detective department conducted raids in Hare Street, Park Street, Jadavpur and Salt Lake areas on Thursday night and arrested nine persons, mostly in their mid-20s, for allegedly betting on the previous day's IPL cricket match, a senior officer said.
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Several documents, laptops, mobile phones, tablets and a vehicle have been seized from their possession, he said.
'The matter is being probed and we are trying to find out whether the accused persons are involved in any inter-state betting racket,' the officer said.
The nine accused persons will be produced before a city court during the day, he added.
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Nine persons have been arrested from different parts of Kolkata for allegedly betting on an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket match, police said on Friday.
Acting on a tip-off, sleuths of the Kolkata Police's detective department conducted raids in Hare Street, Park Street, Jadavpur and Salt Lake areas on Thursday night and arrested nine persons, mostly in their mid-20s, for allegedly betting on the previous day's IPL cricket match, a senior officer said.
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Several documents, laptops, mobile phones, tablets and a vehicle have been seized from their possession, he said.
'The matter is being probed and we are trying to find out whether the accused persons are involved in any inter-state betting racket,' the officer said.
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The nine accused persons will be produced before a city court during the day, he added.
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'The matter is being probed and we are trying to find out whether the accused persons are involved in any inter-state betting racket,' the officer said.
The nine accused persons will be produced before a city court during the day, he added.
📣 The Indian Express is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@indianexpress) and stay updated with the latest headlines
For all the latest Kolkata News, download Indian Express App.
Nine persons have been arrested from different parts of Kolkata for allegedly betting on an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket match, police said on Friday.
Acting on a tip-off, sleuths of the Kolkata Police's detective department conducted raids in Hare Street, Park Street, Jadavpur and Salt Lake areas on Thursday night and arrested nine persons, mostly in their mid-20s, for allegedly betting on the previous day's IPL cricket match, a senior officer said.
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Several documents, laptops, mobile phones, tablets and a vehicle have been seized from their possession, he said.
'The matter is being probed and we are trying to find out whether the accused persons are involved in any inter-state betting racket,' the officer said.
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The nine accused persons will be produced before a city court during the day, he added.
📣 The Indian Express is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@indianexpress) and stay updated with the latest headlines
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